Code : 8010

+ taxes


    Basic kit designed to give first responders the equipment necessary to make initial access to a vehicle off the road on a steep slope or cliff situation.


    Basic kit designed to give first responders the equipment necessary to make initial access to a vehicle off the road on a steep slope or cliff situation. Equipment can be used to set up a rappel, belay or hand line to achieve access to a victim in a safe manner. An ideal kit for ambulance or patrol vehicles.


    1 200 ft. 1/2 inch Rope (white w/tracer)
    1 Medium Rope Bag (any color)
    2 Yates NFPA Seat Harnesses
    2 KASK Super Plasma Helmets
    2 Aluminum Rescue Figure 8s
    6 Steel NFPA Autolock Carabiners
    1 6 Foot Anchor Strap with Wear Pad
    1 9mm Delta Link
    1 Yates Riggers Gear Bag